Circulation Policy
Students use their school-issued ID to check out library materials. The loan period is two weeks. Students may renew books as long as another student has not placed a hold on the item. Students may renew and place a hold on library materials by accessing their library catalog account online. Reference books do not circulate.
Students who do not return or renew materials will receive an overdue notice via their advisory and student email accounts. Students who do not return books after 4 weeks will be issued a detention. If the book is returned promptly, the detention will be voided. No fines are charged for overdue books. There is a charge for replacing lost books.
Students who do not return or renew materials will receive an overdue notice via their advisory and student email accounts. Students who do not return books after 4 weeks will be issued a detention. If the book is returned promptly, the detention will be voided. No fines are charged for overdue books. There is a charge for replacing lost books.
Collection Development Policy
The primary purpose of the library collection is to provide support for classes taught at Bishop Ireton. Materials are also purchased for recreational reading. The responsibility for selecting print and non-print materials lies with the librarian. Faculty, staff, and student input is solicited. Recommendations by faculty are most often honored.
Review sources offer evaluations based on appropriateness, interest and reading level, quality, reputation of author and publisher, and cost. Frequently used review sources are School Library Journal, the Wall Street Journal, Common Sense Media, Catholic Library World, and Follett Titlewave.
All databases and apps selected by the library for student research are carefully considered as to suitability and usefulness to the curriculum.
Review sources offer evaluations based on appropriateness, interest and reading level, quality, reputation of author and publisher, and cost. Frequently used review sources are School Library Journal, the Wall Street Journal, Common Sense Media, Catholic Library World, and Follett Titlewave.
All databases and apps selected by the library for student research are carefully considered as to suitability and usefulness to the curriculum.
Donation Policy
The Bishop Ireton library welcomes the donation of books and DVDs. Materials that meet the selection policy for new materials will be placed in the collection. All gifts are acknowledged through the Development Office.
General Library Policies
- The library is closed during advisory and for lunch period 4B.
- Students may sign out from study hall to visit the library, and teachers may reserve the library for their classes.
- All book bags should be left in the hall while students are in the library.
- Food, drinks, and gum are not permitted in the library.
- Computers should be used for research or to complete assignments.
- Students should maintain a quiet and respectful atmosphere at all times.
- Students may place books on hold. When a hold comes in, the student will be notified by email.